Friday, April 3, 2015

And the hits keep on comin'!

Wow, I don't think I've ever had so much bad luck in my entire life as I've had this year. In addition to everything else, there was some more damage to my car and the ETA for me getting it back (right now anyway) is the 15th. Originally they'd said 9-10 business days. I've been without my car for a week now (boy do I miss my car and so does my daughter who sadly keeps stating, "Momma's car broken" and it's looking like 2 weeks more. Let's just hope the car IS done by then because my insurance will only cover the rental until the 19th. Sigh.

On top of that, the washing machine decided to break yesterday. Oh yay, my day for doing laundry down the tubes as we look into finding the parts to repair it...another $100+ down the drain. It just gets better and better.

On the plus side, my daughter did have a wonderful 3 day 3 year old birthday celebration and we saw very little of Ms. Hyde...she did make a devil of an appearance on her birthday when it was time to leave the pool and go to lunch. In fact, I've never seen an episode like that since I watched Sally Field perform her famous freak out as Sybil! Ms. Hyde has been coming out semi-regularly though. She showed herself to my parents tonight when it was time to leave. Kicking, crying, fighting, the whole spiel. It's almost one of those moments where you think, "Is this where I call the exorcist?"

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