Monday, February 9, 2015

Sew Inept!

So when I first stopped working and became an at-home mom I was determined to branch out my interests, of which there were many, as well as to improve the whole home-making scene. I got back into gathering new online recipes, started to try my hand at baking-this is still a work in progress.

The first thing I did was replace our bathroom sink. The thing had needed replacing since before I moved in with my husband. The bottom was so corroded I had a pot in the cabinet underneath to catch the water. I went to Home Depot, took notes on all the items I would need, asked numerous questions and then watched some Ehow videos. After a day of straining, swearing, and running back and forth to Home Depot which was blessedly only a block away (and boy did the workers there get familiar with the sight of me!) I finally got it all taken care of and just needed my husband's help on getting the stopper in and the pipes tightened-yay!

One of my other yearnings has always been sewing. However, like baking, it is a tedious and uphill battle for me. I use for my class lessons. I've successfully completed a french seam pillow cover and am currently working on a skirt. Unfortunately, as I'm pinning the zipper I'll be sewing in, I realize my sewing machine doesn't have a zipper foot. The sewing machine was given to me by my parents that had bought it at a yard sale years ago so it looks like the project will be on hold until I can find the right piece. Not much loss there though, I only have a couple hours a week to devote to sewing as the remaining upgrade to my bathroom will take another chunk out of my week, then writing and coupons/recipes, etc. As for sewing, it is just not a natural ability for me. I'm in awe of the women out there who can sew clothes, curtains, anything. I desperately want to join those ranks but it is very slow going and with so little time it will no doubt take me even longer. Not to mention all the nuances of using patterns, measuring, attention to detail and my eternal foe-patience.

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