Sunday, February 1, 2015

Shopping Success

So today was another grocery shopping day. I had written out my list according to the recipes I was making, setting it up in order of how I would troll the aisles in the store and had my folder of coupons handy. One thing I didn't bank on was that it is Superbowl Sunday. The lines weren't bad but whoa did they get cleaned out! For instance, Smiths had milk 2 for $5 today and they were ALL gone. You'd think that for Superbowl it'd mostly be munchies and such that were the big buy but apparently not! (Mental note to avoid shopping on this day next year).

Smiths had some good deals going, buy 6 of a qualifying item and save $3.49 as well as some of their 10 for $10 mix and matches so I was able to buy what I needed and stock up on many of those favorite side dishes my daughter loves such as Pastaroni, Ricearoni and Mac N Cheese. With the coupons and the occasional grab for a sale item I came in $20+ less than I normally do on a shopping trip. If I'd been shopping at Harmons, for instance, I'm sure I would have hit $200 with the items in my cart. An additional bonus was receiving 500 fuel points loaded onto my card as customer appreciation. NICE! Thanks so much, Smiths. I will be shopping there again!

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