Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Without Pride

Without Pride is officially e-published and available for Kindle through amazon.com! The paperback version is still pending the arrival of my proof copy. I had taken a picture that I wanted to use for both covers but ahhh Createspace, ever the more difficult of publishing services, needed the picture to be in a PDF file, not a Jpeg-very unusual for a picture. Not having anything but Adobe Reader, I was initially unable to upload the picture because I didn't want to pay $7.95 a month for the full Adobe that would allow me to convert pictures. Praise to Youtube, however, that allowed me to find a free way in which to convert the file. However, Createspace doesn't add the title, author, etc to the cover so I had to spend more time trying to add that and I suspect it will only be on the cover. It is very likely I'll get the copy and see nothing on the spine and nothing on the back but my picture. If that's the case, I'll be forced to use one of their very few, plain cover options-so frustrating since it's a physical book but at least I'll have the proof copy with the picture I chose. Being the author, I don't care how the rest looks on my shelf but I won't have it that way for any other purchases. Such a hassle but there it is.

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