Monday, January 12, 2015

Shop Smart

For some reason, the line from Army of Darkness came to me for this post, "Shop smart. Shop S-Mart." Well we don't have an S-Mart but in the movie it looks a lot like Walmart which I just get agitated even being in the parking lot let alone going into the store so I don't shop there. When I was part of a double income family and my parents mentioned shopping at several stores to get the best deals I used to scoff, "Time is money." Well when you're not making money, time is something you can and should be able to afford. So this past weekend I did my first several store hits. I got cleaning supplies including a huge jug of detergent at Shopko-unbeatable price! Then the next day I proceeded to hit Reams and Maceys and followed up on Sunday by going to Smiths. Between those 3 grocery stores I saved about $36 dollars, that includes using those trusty coupons I now clip. With that little shopping spree I have about 2 weeks of breakfast, lunches, dinners-give or take a few items that I'll always need to shop for such as milk and some produce.

Will I do it every time? Very likely, no. But each store was competing for business this time around with case lot sales and such so now was the time to try it. At least on this venture I discovered where I could find items I couldn't find anywhere else. Such as chicken pastaroni-only at Reams now it seems and they also carry my Wild Strawberry energy Crystal Lite which is my "coffee". Harmons used to be where I shopped when I had those steady paychecks and occasionally I was still going back there for that Crystal Lite brand or their freshly made taco bowls. I bought a bake pan set which makes those just fine and have no plans to go back to Harmons as they are without a doubt, the most expensive of the stores. Reams has the best French Bread-very soft and fluffy.

For those with young children looking for something free to do when it's cold and yucky outside, I'm a big fan of tot time at the library. They have sooo many activities ranging from babies to adults. Check out their event calendar online. My daughter enjoys the tot time and then of course, playing in the kids section and pulling all the books off the shelf. It's something to do when it's cold and wet for outdoor playing.

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