Friday, May 1, 2015

It's All About The Little Things

So this has been a nice, not anxiety-riddled week. It's been awhile but it really does make you appreciate those little things-those little breaths you get in between stressful-everything-going-wrong kind of times. Considering the way this year has been, I don't consider this the incline to good luck but a plateau of peace which I'm SO grateful for.

I'm grateful for our tax return-before last year we usually had to pay so how nice for once, we're getting money back! I'm grateful that with it, I was able to splurge a little on my daughter and buy new jammies (since she'd outgrown the others) and buy her cute summer clothes. I was able to get my hair done-haven't done that in a year and yay-professional dye jobs keep those stubborn grays covered so much better and longer than box dye jobs.

On my daughter, the potty training has stagnated but I was thrilled that when I took her to Chic-Fil-A she played with every little girl that entered the play area and, more importantly, they played with her. She's often so timid and shy I worry about her being left out or bowled over. She is also extremely polite, saying "Please," "Thank you," "You're welcome," "Bless you," "Sorry". I love that she's so polite, that's something you don't hear enough of these days from kids or adults and it makes me proud.

She can be hard to understand, however, as she has a problem with S words. The S and proceeding consonant typically fall at the end of the word instead of the beginning so spot becomes, "potst", stuck becomes "tuckst"-I know, harder to mimic than just saying the words. I'm planning to get her to a speech pathologist to try and correct it before she goes to school. My husband says she may have gotten it from him as he had a problem with S's when he was kid. I thought, "Well at least I understand what she's saying, I just have to stop and think about it sometimes," however, I was startled yesterday when she said she spit but it came out sounding like, "pist". Hmm. I may need to get that speech impediment addressed very soon so people don't think she's saying, "I pissed", and giving me condemning looks.

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