Monday, May 11, 2015

One Chapter Done

So the chapter on my husband's legal trouble is pretty much done. We took the DWI deal which was a lesser fine, no interlock device and no further suspension on his license. He needs to do some community service-of which he gets to choose, which is great and that is it. We were advised that the lawyer could have fought to maybe get it all completely off by suppressing the breathalyzer but it was 50/50 and if we lost, well we'd probably get stuck with that damn interlock device. Did you know that it's used to not only start the car but to keep it running? So you will randomly have to blow into it to keep the car from shutting down? I was appalled at first but then realized it made perfect sense-so you can't have someone else blow into it and start your car. It's sad these kinds of measures are made but then again, in court our lawyer was representing 2 others. One got the DWI class A misdemeanor, where ours was class B-the lesser. And the third guy was just screwed. He'd obviously been in the system a few times and he actually had to wear an ankle monitor that would detect alcohol-ANY alcohol. No mouth wash, cough syrup, hand sanitizer-nothing. I didn't even know they made those!

While we waited for the hearing a man from Spain showed up and was trying to get information-but no one was available to speak or read Spanish-boy I wish I'd kept up on the Spanish I learned from the U-I could have helped him out. I also watch the series Switched At Birth which involves a lot of sign language, I can sign a few basic things and know the alphabet from grade school and every time I watch it I think, "I'd like to learn it but when would I ever use it?" Then, when I went a bought my sewing machine there was a lady there looking to buy one but she was deaf and could only communicate through sign language-of which no one knew. I felt bad watching people start to talk to her then when she signaled she couldn't hear they would immediately be like, "Oh. Ok," then completely back off. So my newest conquest involves some library holds on ASL and Spanish-we'll see how they go. Nothing beats actually taking a class or having a tutor for it but it's better than nothing. If you can communicate in another language at all, you're taking a step in a direction that may benefit someone else later on. At the very least, you're learning and that's something I do enjoy even though I have little time for it.

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